Indians In Korea
Cricket Club
Each year, the Korean Cricket Association (KCA), in affiliation with the International Cricket Council (ICC), organizes a leather-ball T20 league in South Korea. The competition is divided into three categories, each of which includes teams representing India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Australia, and New Zealand.As a member of the Korean Cricket Association (KCA), IIKCC competes internationally with cricket clubs represented by members of almost all cricketing nations and has always strived for excellence on the field. In 2014, IIKCC secured 3rd place in the KCA League and has bagged numerous awards since then.
Additionally, IIKCC participates in and organizes tennis-ball cricket competitions, which serve as a showcase for the game’s fast-paced version. Tennis-ball competitions are largely a community-based event that take place throughout the summer and fall seasons. Almost majority of the cricketing season in korea is dominated by the tennis-ball competitions organized by several Indian (IIKCC, Telagu Association of South Korea (TASK), and The Tamil Association (KTN)) and Pakistani communities at a local level. The organizers arrange the tournaments with great finesse by awarding winners with trophies, medals, prizes for MoMs, Best cricketer and so on giving this cricketing scene a professional touch.
The competitions are nearly entirely hosted at Sungkyunkwan University in Suwon due to the university’s accessible location. In short, cricket is gradually gaining popularity in Korea, and the future appears to be bright.
We practice at Sungkyunkwan University ground during all weekends. If you have played any kind of Cricket, be it tennis or leather ball and want to join the squad for leather-ball matches, this is your chance.
For more Information, please visit our Facebook page where we regularly post updates regarding matches and training sessions.
IIKCC, Indians In Korea Cricket Club:
URL: https//bit.ly/3jCERv5
Saikrishna 010-6594-2627
Prathamesh 010-2529-4411